Caribou area From our Files
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Caribou area From our Files

Jul 13, 2023

115 Years Ago – Aug. 27, 1908

A parade in town — A novel circus parade took place on our streets last Thursday afternoon. No, it wasn’t Barnum’s, Bailey’s, Hunting’s or Buffalo Bill’s, it was Johnnie Norrell’s, — but it was quite a parade and attracted a deal of attention. There was a cage with the ‘wild tiger’ represented by a common feline, cages containing other wonderful animals. Then there was the band, ‘rube’ drum major, etc., making a novel sight. In all, young Norrell probably had 25 boys in the parade.

With the big leagues now — ‘Bobby’ Vail of this town has joined the pitching staff of the Pittsburgs. This team is now at the head of the National League, and it certainly speaks well for ‘Bob’ to get such a position. His many friends and admirers in Aroostook have reason to feel proud of his advance in the baseball world and will watch with interest his work with the fast Pittsburg team.

100 Years Ago – Aug. 30, 1923

Cooking up a new baking business — The Fort Fairfield Baking Company organized to run a wholesale and retail baking business in Fort Fairfield will soon be doing business. The big oven has been ordered from the Middleby Oven Company, Boston, and as soon as that arrives it will be set up and work will commence. The company is composed of three directors: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bodge and Charles M. Fowler, Mr. Bodge is an experienced baker. Mrs. Warren Sawyer will clerk in the store run in connection with the bakery.

Selling the business — Mrs. Alex Willette, Summer street, is selling out her millinery business and expects to leave the first part of September for Portland, where her husband has employment. Her house will be let to Wm. Bradford.

75 Years Ago – Aug. 26, 1948

Caribou Hospital renders valuable community service — ‘Every citizen in Caribou is a trustee not only of the Cary fund, but of the entire hospital project,’ read the will of the late Dr. Jefferson Cary, who more than 25 years ago bequeathed $65,000 towards the building of a hospital in Caribou which would be secular, nonsectarian, and would provide ‘for the treatment of all grades of suffering humanity.’ That hospital now stands on Bridge street as a memorial to Dr. Cary. He foresaw the growth of the town and knew so well that citizens here needed a place for the relief of the sick and injured. They required a hospital where those in need of medical treatment could find succor and cure.

MPG Warehouse Dept. manager returns from Farmer’s Institute — Mr. Kenneth L. Ballard, manager of the warehouse department of Maine Potato Growers, Inc., returned to Presque Isle this week from Riverhead, Long Island, where he spoke to growers from the Long Island Farmers’ Institute. Mr. Ballard was one of the principal speakers who discussed the handling and marketing of potatoes in consumer packages before this group of farmers. Other principals taking part in the discussion with Mr. Ballard were Mr. Donald R. Stokes of the Production and Marketing Administration, Washington, D. C.; a representative from the Union Bag and Paper Corporation, New York; and officials of the Long Island Farmers’ Institute.

25 Years Ago – Sept. 2, 1998

New church to be quickly ‘raised’ next month — Neighborhood barn raisings are a thing of the past, but the tradition is kept alive by the members of the Jehovah’s Witness religion. For 20 years Jehovah’s Witnesses have been building meeting halls in the barn-raising style. A new Kingdom Hall in Caribou is scheduled for construction Oct. 9-11. Don’t be surprised Monday morning when you see a building that wasn’t there on your way home Friday. More than 100 people from Maine and New Hampshire will be in Caribou to build the Kingdom Hall for the congregation.

Loring gets a new ambulance — The Loring Fire Department will now be able to provide ambulance service to the region’s 55 families and 1,200 people, thanks to Caribou Fire and Ambulance. Caribou Fire and Ambulance Chief Roy ‘Jack’ Woods said because the Loring Commerce Centre has developed extensively within the past year, medical emergencies are bound to increase. Woods said the ambulance is designed to protect the population at the Loring Commerce Centre and to respond to all medical emergencies on Loring only. He said Caribou Ambulance will respond if a patient transfer needs to be made.

115 Years Ago – Aug. 27, 1908100 Years Ago – Aug. 30, 192375 Years Ago – Aug. 26, 194825 Years Ago – Sept. 2, 1998