Trowbridge Campaign Talk: Homelessness, & Homelessness
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Trowbridge Campaign Talk: Homelessness, & Homelessness

Feb 12, 2024

You’re talking to the mayor mid-week, mid-day - Maybe rent is too high because you aren’t prioritizing working for a living? Do you expect a handout? If you are employed full time, it’s important that you focus your energy on getting a better paying job!Use New Haven Works to get a salary you need! They will change your life!“MMega Landlords” - aka Slumlords.... are NOT slowing down with their expansion in this region!!Yale Medical and the Union Station redevelopment zone have made what used to be the cheapest part of town a much more appealing place for landlords to expand their portfolio. They will add nothing to their property, let it decay – and later sell for a profit. What you can do: Change laws that block mega landlords from monopolizing housing? Until then. USE the resources New Haven offers you - New Haven Housing Authority - your own landlord! Rent out a unit! Stop the MMegas from expanding! It's on you, New Haven people – APPLY TODAY! As for the homelessness - it's insane to think that we let people crash in public spaces when there are empty beds in this city. It's time we turned the page on this addiction-fueled issue and start holding all residents, both housed and unhoused, accountable for how they act in / treat this city. Do good, be good - or be gone.

Not too judgmental, are you? You know these folks don't work? How? You took the minimum wage, multiplied it times forty times fifty two and compared the result to the cost of housing? What did you come up with?

As for the homelessness - it's insane to think that we let people crash in public spaces when there are empty beds in this city. Here is a report you can read.Mental Illness and HomelessnessMental Illness and Homelessness: A LinkBiological risk factors increase the likelihood of both mental illness and subsequent homelessness. Stressors and triggers such as significant loss, experiencing trauma, abuse, and others greatly reduce someone's ability to function and increase the risk of homelessness.Mental Illness and Homelessness: A LinkBiological risk factors increase the likelihood of both mental illness and subsequent homelessness. Stressors and triggers such as significant loss, experiencing trauma, abuse, and others greatly reduce someone's ability to function and increase the risk of homelessness.And do not leave this one out.How does gentrification affect homelessness?These factors create an influx of affluent residents into low-income communities, consequently raising the cost of housing. The price of units increases and are no longer affordable to long-term residents, pushing them out of their neighborhoods and, often enough, into homelessness and rampant poverty.“MMega Landlords” - aka Slumlords.... are NOT slowing down with their expansion in this region!!Yale Medical and the Union Station redevelopment zone have made what used to be the cheapest part of town a much more appealing place for landlords to expand their portfolio. But the Homeless crisis is exacerbated by the commodification of land, where values are driven by market forces that make it more profitable for developers to cater to the elite sector of the economy, more often than not leading to the construction of luxury rather than affordable housing.



As to your comment “You’re talking to the mayor mid-week, mid-day - Maybe rent is too high because you aren’t prioritizing working for a living?”Maybe they work night shifts, maybe this was their day off, maybe they are on vacation. Maybe they got laid off, maybe they’re disabled, maybe they are a former convict and are finding it difficult to find employers willing to hire them. Your assumptions are offensive. You have no idea what their situation is that has them able to talk to someone during the day in the middle of the week. And yes, the rents have gone up astronomically since 2020. But full time, benefits included, living wage jobs that don’t require a college degree have diminished in number. Many front line and essential employers that used to hire full time with benefits now hire 2 part timers with no benefits to cover the same number of hours. There was a recent study published in the NHR that made it clear than even two adults with high school diplomas once, working two full time jobs each, at well over the minimum wage at front line and essential jobs can not afford a 2 bedroom apartment at todays area current average rent.

Thank you for that. There are people who need to feel superior to others for no reason other than to sill their need to feel superior to others. They are willfully ignorant of the actual circumstances people have faced because they just don't care. All they care about is being able to claim to be superior to them.

"Many homeless prefer to live on the streets where they can freely use drugs. “People are coming here for so many different reasons, including the ease of access to getting these drugs,” Ms. Breed recently noted."

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